Cornell University是常春藤盟校中*大却历史*短的一个,主校区:于纽约州伊萨卡的东山,可以眺望城市和卡尤加湖。它拥有本科生18,000多人,教师2150人,其中教授905名。遥遥领先于其它“常春藤盟校”。3000英亩的广貌农场风景大有可观,博物馆蜚声世界是华裔建筑大师贝聿铭的杰出代表作,它的校舍典雅夺目被归结为维多利亚式建筑的经典。F.R.纽曼植物园主校区呈现出折衷的建筑风格,包括哥特式、维多利亚式、新古典主义式及少量的现代风格建筑。这些华丽的建筑基本都建造于第二次世界大战之前,因为学生人数从1950年代的7,000人激增到1970年代的15,000人,此后的学校建筑不得以采用了简单的风格以减少费用和提高建造速度。
非建筑学背景的学生:Individuals must hold a bachelor's degree in any field. Some students may have previous backgrounds in a design discipline, or may hold pre-professional undergraduate degrees in a design discipline. The course of study is an intensive, three and a half year curriculum which includes study in design, visual representation, history and theory, technology, and professional practice. 申请者可以是任何学科背景的学生,这样的学生可能本科期间有设计方面的背景。该项目的课程很激烈,学生需要三年半的时间学习design, visual representation, history and theory, technology, and professional practice这样的课程。
建筑学背景的学生:Students holding a professional bachelor of architecture degree (B. Arch.) or a professional master of architecture degree (M.Arch.1) may be admitted as candidates for the post-professional Cornell M.Arch. degree program. International students must submit an official certification that the degree held is a professional degree entitling them to practice architecture in their country.申请者需要是本科学建筑专业的学生,国际学生必须提供官方的说明。学习周期是3个semester。
Two recommendation letters 两封推荐信
Transcripts: Submit completed and official transcripts from each college or university previously attended to the field to which you are applying. If it is against an institution's policy to send transcripts to the applicant, the transcripts can be mailed by the school directly to the field to which you are applying. 大学期间的官方成绩单,中英文
l GRE general test for all, Department Code: 4401, Institution Code: 2098 GRE成绩
l TOEFL minimum score of 250 computer-based or 600 paper-based. The graduate architecture program has set the following minimum scores for the Internet-based test, which measures all four language skills important for communication:
Writing: 25 Listening: 25 Reading: 25 Speaking: 25
托福成绩:写作25分 听力25分 阅读25分 口语25分
l Portfolio of creative work (professional and post-professional M.Arch. applicants only)
As part of their application, all applicants to the professional and post-professional master of architecture degree programs are required to submit a portfolio which should represent the applicant’s best work and consist mainly of reproductions of 20 to 30 drawings and models. Photocopies are acceptable, but only if they are of excellent quality.
l 作品集需要体现出申请者*好的专业实力,要包含20--30个绘图和模型。
The first page of the portfolio must contain the following: “This portfolio contains the design work of [applicant’s name here].”
l Statement of purpose for professional M.Arch., M.S., and Ph.D. applicants: A one- or two-page statement, preferably printed on white paper, outlining your research interests and intents for graduate study at Cornell. Please relate these intents to your previous design and academic experience, and to your future goals. Include your full name and your proposed field of study at the top of each page.
学费信息:Professional degree: $41,325